Signs in Welsh

Words and phrases for some common signs in Welsh
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of toiledau
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of grisiau symudol
grisiau symudol
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of lifft
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of allanfa
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim ysmygu
dim ysmygu
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim mynediad
dim mynediad
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim gyrru beic
dim gyrru beic
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim ffonau symudol
dim ffonau symudol
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim bwyd na diod
dim bwyd na diod
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of nid dŵr yfed
nid dŵr yfed
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim nofio
dim nofio
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of bin sbwriel
bin sbwriel
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of gwaith ar y ffordd
gwaith ar y ffordd
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of mynediad i’r anabl
mynediad i’r anabl
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of goleuadau traffig
goleuadau traffig
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of lôn gyrru beic
lôn gyrru beic
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim aros
dim aros
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim cŵn
dim cŵn
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of dim cerbydau modur
dim cerbydau modur
Welsh topic: Signs, picture of gwersylla
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