Select your first topic:
See intermediate topics

Family - members

Family - my siblings

Body - parts of the body

Body - the head

Body - hair colour and style

People - portraits

People - appearance

People - clothes 1

People - clothes 2

People - jobs

People - health problems

Animals - pets

Animals - farm

Activity - daily routine

Activity - hobbies

Activity - sports

Activity - holidays

Food - fruit

Food - vegetables

Food - groceries

Food - restaurant

Food - drinks and snacks


Home - my room

Home - rooms in the house

Home - helping at home 1

Home - helping at home 2

Home - in the garden

School - classroom objects

School - subjects

School - activities

Place - where I live

Place - homes

Place - shops

Place - meeting places

Place - places in town

Go - means of transport

Go - on holiday

Go - which way?

Go - where?

World - European countries

World - environment

World - weather

Time - what time is it?

Time - spring and summer

Time - autumn and winter

Numbers - 1 to 10

Numbers - 11 to 20

Numbers - to 100 (1)

Numbers - to 100 (2)

Grammar - adjectives 1

Grammar - adjectives 2

Grammar - verbs 1

Grammar - verbs 2

Grammar - prepositions 1

Grammar - prepositions 2

No topic selected yet

THE FROG FLIES game to learn Welsh

Learning Welsh action game with a jumping frog and tasty flies..

About this game

You are a happy hungry little frog in the jungle in the middle of a starry night. Catch the flies to feed yourself (and practice Welsh just for fun).

You can play the game on a tablet or desktop computer. On tablet you move the frog by tapping where you want it to move to. On a computer, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move. Sometimes a big bird swoops through the forest catching unwary amphibians so stay alert and get out of the way of its beak!

Interactive single player Welsh learner game The frog flies

Scoring is based on the level of your chosen topic: for beginner topics (8 questions) catching a fly is +10 points,correct answers are +50 points, wrong answers are -20 points and being eaten by a bird is -10 points. For intermediate topics (15 questions) catching a fly is +5 points,correct answers are +25 points, wrong answers are -10 points and being eaten by a bird is -5 points. Your final score is your total points minus your time in seconds.

The highest score for each topic can be saved and seen by clicking on the star button, so get learning and maybe you'll get your own froggy name up in lights!

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How to play The frog flies to learn Welsh

Play The frog flies to learn Welsh at

  1. Choose "The frog flies" from the Welsh games page.
  2. On the settings page read the Method text, then click on PLAY to start the game.
  3. You are a small hungry frog sitting on a branch in a big jungle in the middle of the night.
  4. A fly is buzzing around above your head.
  5. Use your keyboard arrow keys or tap the screen on your tablet to move the frog and catch the fly.
  6. You get 10 points (beginner) or 5 points (intermediate) for catching the fly.
  7. When you catch a fly a question box opens with one text and 3 pictures from the topic you have chosen.
  8. Match the text to the correct picture by clicking/tapping on the correct picture, or type in 1,2 or 3 on your keyboard.
  9. If you answer correctly you score an additional 50 / 25 points - a wrong answer loses you 20 / 10 points.
  10. Additional branches are added to the scene occasionally
  11. Continue to catch flies and answer questions. Avoid the bird that flies across the screen.

Sound effects for this game supplied by

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