What time is it? in Welsh

Phrases that tell the time in Welsh
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of naw o'r gloch
naw o'r gloch
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of unarddeg o'r gloch
unarddeg o'r gloch
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of un o'r gloch
un o'r gloch
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of tri o'r gloch
tri o'r gloch
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of hanner awr wedi unarddeg
hanner awr wedi unarddeg
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of chwarter wedi deg
chwarter wedi deg
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of chwarter i bump
chwarter i bump
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of ugain munud wedi chwech
ugain munud wedi chwech
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of pum munud ar hugain wedi wyth
pum munud ar hugain wedi wyth
Welsh topic: Time - what time is it?, picture of pum munud i ddeg
pum munud i ddeg
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