3 scores max per player; Leaderboard entries are deleted at the end of August each year
Match spoken Welsh to the right picture to grow flowers...funny game
With our Sow grow game for "What time is it?" you will be learning the Welsh vocabulary for the topic What time is it?. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 10 Phrases that tell the time.
1 | naw o'r gloch | nine o'clock | |
2 | unarddeg o'r gloch | eleven o'clock | |
3 | un o'r gloch | one o'clock | |
4 | tri o'r gloch | three o'clock | |
5 | hanner awr wedi unarddeg | half past eleven | |
6 | chwarter wedi deg | quarter past ten | |
7 | chwarter i bump | quarter to five | |
8 | ugain munud wedi chwech | twenty past six | |
9 | pum munud ar hugain wedi wyth | twenty five past eight | |
10 | pum munud i ddeg | five to ten | |
This game concentrates on your ability to recognize and understand spoken Welsh. Topic audio is played which you must match to the correct picture. This will improve your ability to recongnize spoken Welsh words, phrases and short sentences without the help of the written text. This is a vital skill in mastering basic Welsh and being able to use it in real life situations.
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