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Thumbnail for language learning game 'Cat and mouse'
Aim: Catch the white mice
Move the cat with the arrow keys to catch the white mouse. Avoid the red balloons but hit the blue balloons.

Your final score is based on all of that plus number of questions answered right, and the time taken.
Home - helping at home 1
Home - helping at home 1

CAT AND MOUSE game to learn Welsh: Home - helping at home 1

Move the cat to catch the white mice, hit the blue balloons, but avoid the red ones

With our Cat and mouse game for "Helping at home" you will be learning the Welsh vocabulary for the topic Helping at home. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 10 Sentences for things you do to help at home.

1Dw i'n gwneud fy ngwely.I make my bed.
2Dw i'n tacluso fy ystafell.I tidy my room.
3Dw i'n coginio.I cook.
4Dw i'n gosod y bwrdd.I lay the table.
5Dw i'n golchi'r llestri.I wash up.
6Dw i'n sychu'r llestri.I dry the dishes.
7Dw i'n golchi dillad.I do the washing.
8Dw i'n codi llwch.I dust.
9Dw i'n hwfro.I vacuum.
10Dw i'n smwddio.I do the ironing.

About the CAT AND MOUSE game

Interactive cat and mouse game to learn Welsh online

A cat versus mouse game with added balloons for Welsh and fun. You are the ginger cat, and your life is being made a misery by some white mice which have come into the house and are proving hard to catch. Not to mention there is a mouse house party going on and lots of balloons getting in the way of your hunting.


So you have to catch the white mice, forget about the grey mice, hit the blue balloons but avoid the red balloons, and answer Welsh language questions (you are a CLEVER cat...). If it sounds complicated and a bit frantic, that's because it is. Do your best but don't worry if you can't catch all the mice - neither can we. It's a cat's life...

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How to play CAT AND MOUSE to learn Helping at home in Welsh

Play Cat and mouse to learn Welsh at

CAT AND MOUSE is a quirky take on the perennial emnity of ponderous predator and plucky prey. Here are the basics:

  1. Press "PLAY" on the CAT AND MOUSE settings page to open the game.
  2. You are a ginger cat overwhelmed by a serious mouse problem.
  3. Luckily your job is only to catch the white mice, not all the mice.
  4. Trouble is, they are not easy to catch and will try to avoid you.
  5. Use the arrow keys or tap the screen in the direction you want the cat to go.
  6. You will need fast reaction times to catch those white mice, and the balloons keep getting in the way.
  7. Mouse scores are 25 points for each white mouse caught, minus 5 points for each white mouse that escapes.
  8. When you do catch a white mouse, a Welsh question will appear.
  9. Answer the Welsh question correctly for those extra points...
  10. You get 50 points for each correct answer, but you lose 25 points for each wrong answer.
  11. Hitting blue balloons gives you extra points, but 3 hits on a balloon will burst it for that level.
  12. Hitting red balloons takes away points.
  13. Balloon scores are +5 or +10 points for blue balloons, -5 or -10 points for red balloons.
  14. This is a timed game and your final score is calcuated by taking away your time in seconds from the points you have earned.
  15. If you get one of the 10 best scores you can add your name to the leaderboard for your chosen topic.
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